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Flight school

When you were a child you were dreaming to become a pilot?
Aircraft or helicopter? Why having to choose, with us it is possible to pilot both!
The Aero Club Castelnuovo Don Bosco offers flying lessons for all skills.
With both airplane and helicopter, learning to fly has never been easier!
The flight Instructors of the Aero Club of Castelnuovo Don Bosco are pilot with a lots of experience and they have been certified by AECI (Aero Club of Italy).
They will teach you all the flight techniques for safety flight with a lot of fun!

Corso basico per attestato di volo
del passeggero
Abilitazione del volo avanzato
di radiotelefonia

Corso basico per attestato di volo

Il corso base per imparare a volare!

Trasporto del passeggero

L’abilitazione per volare in compagnia!

Abilitazione al volo avanzato

L’abilitazione per volare sempre più in alto!

Corso di radiofonia

For any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.